Black Swamp Players has provided opportunities for area residents to experience quality, amateur live theater in its many forms since 1968. It is through the support of community members like you that we have been able to continuously fulfill our organizational mission for fifty-four years. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support our operations.
For this production, for example:
A donation of just $50 would offset the cost of purchasing scripts for the cast.
A donation of just $100 would offset the cost of printing posters.
A donation of just $150 would offset the licensing costs for one performance.
A donation of just $250 would offset the cost of printing our programs.
A donation of just $300 would offset the cost of most of our hand props.
A donation of just $400 would offset the cost of fabric and notions for making the five women's dresses.
And a donation of just $500 would offset the cost of the set build.
Thank you for being a friend of Black Swamp Players!