Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches Creative

Stage Manager
Daniel Dolan-Derks
is a third year Junior and is a Communications and Theatre major. He would like to thank the cast and crew for their incredible work, dedication, and patience over the rehearsal process. Daniel would also like to thank his parents and his girlfriend for their constant love and support.
Assistant Stage Manager
Lynzie Kenney
is a freshman studying English Literature, Theatre, and Public History. This is her first show at Whitworth, but she’s been doing theatre since she was young, mainly as part of the stage crew. When not doing theatre, she likes to read, embroider, and argue about politics. She’d like to thank her family for their support and love, and her friends for sticking with her even when she gets on their nerves, especially her roommates, and her best friend Olivia.
Assistant Director, Co-Intimacy Director
Anna Rajala
is a senior at Whitworth and is majoring in Theatre and minoring in Dance and Mathematics. Her favorite theatre experiences at Whitworth include ALMOST, MAINE, ARGONAUTIKA, THE SPITFIRE GRILL, and 5 DEGREES OF SEPARATION. She was absolutely thrilled to get a chance to work on such a complex and terrifying show. She thanks Andy for facilitating a brave and curious space, the crew for creatively tackling theatre during COVID, and the ensemble for their bravery, vulnerability, and endless efforts to do the stories of these characters justice. She hopes the audience will be enlightened and blessed by this exploration of an epidemic (not unlike the one we're in) and the people affected by it.
Assistant Stage Manager
Emily Van Vleet
is a sophomore theatre major. This is her first time working on tech crew. She would like to thank the cast and crew for creating this great work.

Original Creative Team