Honeymoon from Hell Creative

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Sandra Broussard
Sandra Laborde Broussard was last seen on Cite’s stage as Sister Aloysius in Doubt and Lady Bracknell in the Importance of Being Earnest.. She directed last year’s murder mystery at Wonderland, Pajama Party Murders, and had a blast. So why not do it again? Sandra would like to give a shout out to her family for their continuous support. A special thanks goes to the cast. Not only are they crazy talented (and crazy), they helped so much with this production. Without their help, this show would not have been able to go on! This production is dedicated to Sandra’s mom, Minnie Laborde, who passed away in July of this year. She was her biggest fan.
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Music Director
Colin Smith
Colin began his life at the piano at age 3, with acclaimed Yamaha instructor Ellene Owens. He briefly attended the NOCCA institute with Dr. Jee Yeoun Ko, and attended ULL, studying with Dr. Susie Garcia. He has stage and orchestra pit experience with Family Playhouse, City Park Players, and Acting Unlimited, and has far too many songs in his head at once. He is excited to be sharing the creation and joy of playing music at the piano.

Original Creative Team

An original mystery by Eileen Moushey