Speak Easy: Stories Without a Net Cast

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Mary Brzustowicz
Mary Brzustowicz published an essay about dancing with the Prince of Spain in “Mused: Bella Online”, a short story about Shirley Jackson in “The Best of Rochester Spoken Word Short Story Contest 2020”, and is a semifinalist in “The Writer Magazine” Short Story contest. Mary writes about growing up in a large family and her too-frequent domestic disasters in her blog, "Keep Mary Out of the Kitchen."
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Susan Buisch
Susan Buisch is a Registered Nurse, recently retired from the Canandaigua VA. She has been married to the same guy for the last 43 consecutive years. Susan has worked in Med-Surg, Hospice, and Nursing Education. Her current gig is serving as a Vaccinator at the Ontario County drive-thru vaccination clinic where she was part of a team administering thousands of Covid vaccines.
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Rochester Spoken Word Co-Founder/Storyteller
Evvy Fanning
Evvy Fanning is the co-founder of Rochester Spoken Word and the proprietor of Solera and Cheshire. She finds talking about herself unbecoming of a lady and prefers to let her characters speak for her. That said, she would hasten to tell you that she has on one occasion drunk bourbon with Salman Rushdie, and that he is every bit as enchanting as you think. Furthermore, her floors are immaculate and her children are well mannered, if not soft spoken. So there’s that.
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Hazel Glazer
Hazel Glazer is a sophomore in high school. Since infancy, Hazel has been interested, and some would say obsessed, with reading. With influence from an aunt from Massachusetts, Hazel decided to try poetry. Music is a huge part of her life. As a year-round athlete, Hazel plays field hockey and occasionally boxes. Hazel also has a passion for baking, which her friends really appreciate.
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Melissa Pheterson
Melissa Pheterson is a content strategist and writer. She was excited to take part in this year's "Listen to Your Mother" production and hopes to continue engaging with Rochester's creative community and those who support it. She lives in Brighton with her husband, kids, and rescue dog.
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Rochester Spoken Word Co-Founder/MC/Storyteller
Scott Seifritz
When not busy wearing many, many hats for Rochester Spoken Word, Scott Seifritz, writes plays and short fiction, His play, “Denny Killington, Master Detective!,” was selected for the 2016 Regional Writers Showcase, and he’s had plays performed as part of the Rochester Fringe Festival. He was recently part of the cast of Listen To Your Mother on May 7. Follow his antics at scottseifritz.com.
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Robert Shelton
Robert Shelton studied English in Northfield, MN, before working as a database engineer. As that profession decohered to its entropic end-state, he took up writing. His fiction and poetry appear in Lilac Magazine, Howling Mad Review and South 85 Journal, where he was a finalist for the 2020 Julia Peterkin Literary Award. Lovers of peace and quiet follow him on Twitter @kernelpanic442
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G. Murray Thomas
G. Murray Thomas was a regular on the Southern California poetry scene for thirty years. Then he moved to upstate New York and has been pretty quiet for the past four years.
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Kevin Watt
Kevin Watt is an IT Professional based in Rochester, NY. His best writing work is currently unpublished and also unwritten.