Like What We're Doing? Your Donation Can Help Us Keep Doing It.
While we aren't a not-for-profit in the IRS sense, we basically operate as one. Rochester Spoken Word (and more so Speak Easy) is a labor of love. We love giving local writers a platform to be heard while simultaneously giving the community an opportunity to enjoy live readings in an intimate setting. Unfortunately, love can only take us so far. Thankfully, we have a lot of wonderful volunteers helping us out, but there are still plenty of expenses: sound equipment, lighting, cameras, paper, toner, popcorn, advertising, and the services of various professionals. Any money we make from tickets goes toward these costs.
Donations can help us cover these costs and work toward our goal of being able to one day pay our readers. Please consider supporting the arts by making a donation of any amount. You may not be able to claim it on your taxes, but you can claim you did something positive for your community.
Please note that 100% of your donation goes to Rochester Spoken Word.