About A Christmas Carol
Go on a timeless journey of love and redemption with the iconic characters of Charles Dickens’ “ghostly little tale”. This December, Goodly Frame Theatre's revival of NCShakes' A Christmas Carol returns to Well-Spring's Virginia Somerville Sutton Theatre in Greensboro!
With NCShakes having premiered its original production of Carol 45 years ago, Goodly Frame's revival continues the legacy of the longest-running telling of Dickens' story in the region. Come be part of the tradition, from the signature original score by David Bishop to generations of audiences and artists celebrating what it means to "freely give".
Goodly Frame Theatre
Guided by the original practices and direct address techniques practiced at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London, Goodly Frame Theatre consistently models innovative staging choices that open minds and challenge typical conceptions about the relationships between texts, actors, and audiences. By rediscovering and redefining the boundaries of performing Shakespeare, we reconnect with all forms of theatre, classical and contemporary, and encourage sustainable dialogues among the voices of Greensboro, the region, and across “this goodly frame," the earth.