About Pot Odds by Gabrielle Wagner Mann

When ultra-conservative, Southern-belle Natalie, arrives in NYC to collect the belongings of her recently deceased twin sister, she meets liberal-AF Kendra, and learns that her estranged sister’s “roommate” is not only black, but also more than just a roommate. Natalie comes face to face with her late sister’s life and wife, and is forced to confront her own. As she peels back the layers of her twin’s life, her own begins to unravel - being held tenuously together by near empty bottles of Xanax and Klonopin. Kendra and Natalie find their mutual love of Jasmine begins to outweigh their resentment of each other. But when Natalie’s dangerous past shows up on Kendra’s doorstep, a terrifying moment unites them, finding more solace in building each other up than tearing each other down. Panic attacks, pot brownies and pocket aces help them deal with grief, guilt and unexpected guests. ‘All-in’ with one card to come, will they stay at odds or make the right read on each other?

Transformation Theatre, Inc.

Producing and developing new plays that are by, for and about underrepresented voices