Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Cast

Dustin Huddleston (Lawrence Jameson)
An intelligent, sophisticated British con artist on the French Riviera.
Chris Rooker (Freddy Benson)
A small time, inexperienced American hustler Lawrence meets on a train and takes under his wing.
Curt Powell (Andre)
Lawrence's manservant
Hannah Olson (Christine Colgate)
An American soap opera queen who both Freddy and Lawrence swoon over trying to swindle her.
Brandi Murphy (Muriel Eubanks)
One of the wealthy women conned by Lawrence. She's from Omaha.
Teresa Hershberger (Jolene Oakes)
Another rich woman Lawrence conned who wanted him to move with her to Oklahoma.
Patrick Sullivan  (Ensemble)
Part of the ensemble that sings, dances, and fills in smaller speaking roles.
Chris Cox (Ensemble)
Part of the ensemble that sings, dances, and fills in smaller speaking roles.
Alan Myers (Ensemble)
Part of the ensemble that sings, dances, and fills in smaller speaking roles.
Doug Working  (Ensemble)
Part of the ensemble that sings, dances, and fills in smaller speaking roles.
Machel Wells (Ensemble)
Part of the ensemble that sings, dances, and fills in smaller speaking roles.