Winter Break Cast

Andy (Paige Bolen)
Paige a first-year student. She is hoping to double major in theatre and accounting with a minor in Music. Beware, she may randomly burst into song.
AJ (Donyesha Calhoun)
Donyesha is from Chicago, Illinois. She is a junior specializing in communications and theatre. She has a strong passion for film acting, directing, and producing.
Sharley (Lauren Cassady)
Lauren is a sophomore individualized studies major with a focus in theatre and literature. She loves to read and watch horror movies. Her family and friends are the reason she got over her stage fright and discovered her love for the theatre.
Ty (Tega Ekasa)
Tega is a first-year majoring in biology with a concentration in physiology. She reads all books that pass by her. If you ever need her, she is probably asleep or cooking in her room.
Cody (Adam Enz)
Adam works in the library at IC. If you’re reading this, you’re probably his biggest fan and he will act his heart out for you.
Finn (Kayla Hearon)
Kayla is a criminology major with a minor in theatre. She's a real character once you get to know her. She comes with many different personalities, but you'll grow to love each of them.
Kai (Matthew Hill)
Matthew is a first-year. He loves acting and performing, and this is his first show at IC.
Krys (Chris Jean Louis)
Chris is a sophomore, and he will be majoring in business. Outside of school, Chris plays center defensive midfield on the soccer team and currently has 3 goals and 2 assists. He also enjoys acting and fishing.
Quinn (Anjana Karki)
Anjana is an international first-year majoring in psychology at IC. She is interested in theatre, plays, and she is also taking a theatre class. Winter Break is her first theatre performance ever, and she is really excited for the show.
Corey (Cole Lammy)
Cole is a theatre major at IC. This is Cole’s fourth year involved with theatre at IC. He can’t wait for the next show!
Sam (Destiny McClellan)
Destiny is a first-year at IC double majoring in physics and civil engineering in the 3+2 program. She loves STEM and engaging in theatre productions. You might catch her on the stage and behind the scenes too. This will be the 2nd production she’s been onstage for at IC.
Frankie (Sandie Norville)
Sandie is a junior theatre major. She balances her time between the theatre, school, and the women's golf team. She credits her inspiring personality to when she met God after a significant fall off her bike. He blessed her with her purpose, and she has been doing swell since then.
Ricky (Jillian Powell)
Jillian is a senior at IC, double majoring in psychology and theatre with a communications minor. This is her 4th year participating in the TheatreWorks program. This semester she is excited to play the role of Ricky.
Dylan (Squire Prince)
Squire is excited to return to the IC stage. He received his BA in Theatre and Music from Illinois College. Squire has worn many hats in the theatre, including actor, director, and designer. He currently is the Youth Minister at Grace UMC and is pursuing his M. Div at Andrews Theological Seminary.
Brett (Greg Saiki)
Greg is a senior at IC. He hopes you enjoy watching the show as much as he loved being a part of it.
Cam (Mickey Sanders)
Mickey is an occupational therapist major with a theater minor. He plays soccer on the IC Men’s soccer team and is on a full tuition scholarship through the honors program. Mickey loves to meet new people and do any and everything with them.
Jesse (Gina Taylor)
Gina is a senior at IC double majoring in art and theatre. She is also the president of Alpha Psi Omega, the national theatre honor society. Gina is always involved in theatre productions whether she be onstage or off! She would like to thank her mom for always telling her, “You got this,” even when she doubted herself.
Pi (Gretchen Wessel)
Gretchen is a junior majoring in chemistry. She is very excited for her first lines on the big stage! Gretchen has participated in The Tempest and Propagation. She also participates in both the IC Track team and the IC Disc Golf Club.
Jules (Alyssa Ulm)
Alyssa is a senior English and secondary education major at Illinois College. This is her first time acting on the mainstage, but she helped with Golden Boy and other smaller productions on campus. She is super excited to get to put on an awesome show with an even more awesome cast and crew.