Herstory Theater, LLC

About Herstory Theater

What started as a theater company dedicated to bringing unsung heroines of history  to life (women accused of witchcraft in early Connecticut, a loyal maid to Mark Twain) has  become a production company for many different and exciting project.  Some celebrate women, as in “Love, Loss and What I Wore”, "12 Angry Women";   some honor others in history, such as "The Guys", a 9/11 play; some are just fun, such as “Hitchcock and Horror” and “It’s a Wonderful Life, a Live Radio Play”; and some stretch us in ways we never imagined, such as the staged reading of the full length musical “The Resurrectionists”.  

Covid has thrown some boulders in our way, but we persevere!  We never know what’s around the corner, but we eagerly await it all!  

Something good that has come out of it is the Herstory Happy Hour…a chance to present a short, fun play reading, premiering at 5pm on a Thursday evening, and now, thanks to the On The Stage VOD option, available for two weeks of streaming!  We love to present original work by new playwrights, so feel free to contact us with any ideas!

More info at www.herstorytheater.com.

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