Fortinbras Creative

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Director/Technical Director
Christopher Michael
Christopher Michael teaches the performing arts at Henry High. He was the associate artistic director and vice president of Phoenix-Ravenwing Theatre Co. in Pennsylvania. He is also a writer and awesome cat dad.
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Club Advisor, PR Manager
Kaytie Kamphoff
Ms. Kamphoff (she/her) has been teaching English at Henry High School since September 2015. She became Henry Drama Club advisor in 2018 directing her first and last performance, Into the Woods. Ms. Kamphoff is an avid supporter of local theater, world music traveler, and Henry Drama Club's biggest fan.
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Club Advisor, Costumes/Makeup
Laura Schuder-Tsai (Miss Lo)
Miss Lo is a first year teacher at Henry High! Before joining the Henry family, she has acted as Hermia in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Little Sally in Urinetown, and various other musicals. She enjoys music and the arts and is very excited to be a part of the Henry Drama Club!
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Assistant Stage Manager, Set Designer/Painter
Chloe Ellingson
My name is Chloe. I’m a 9th grader at Patrick Henry High School. This is my first year in drama club and my first year working in a play. Outside of school I work at Cookie Cart part time. When I’m not at school I also enjoy making art, hugging my cats, volunteering and sleeping.
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Lighting Engineer
Sumeya Barre
My name is Sumeya and I'm a 9th grade student at Patrick Henry High School. I joined the Henry Drama Club this year. I like to play, play games, doodle/draw, listen to music and my favorite sport is Volleyball.
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Lighting Engineer
Zoe Vang
I am a junior at Patrick Henry High School. I joined the drama club in my freshman year. In my freshman year, I was just a helping hand. In my sophomore year I was an actor in She Kills Monsters, and for my junior year (currently) I will be doing lights for Fortinbras. Outside of school, I spend time at home doing homework or house chores. I work with the Minneapolis Youth Congress. I like doing after school activities.
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Samaria Lewis
My name is Samaria and I am in 10th grade. I have a job as a waitress on the weekends and am on the search for a more mental friendly job on weekdays. I am on the cheer team & haven't done much theater since elementary days. I love eating/cooking, being outside with nature and those i love most. I am interested in makeup and I do it all the time, that is why I tried out for this role because I wanna do something new in the makeup field and I feel like this is a huge growth prone experience ~! :)

Original Creative Team

Des McAnuffArtistic Director
Alan LeveyManaging Director
Robert BrillScene design
Susan HilfertyCostume design
Chris ParryLighting design
Michael RothMusic and sound design
Kenneth Ted BibleSound design
Andy TigheStage manager