She Kills Monsters Creative

Stage Manager
Isabelle De Leon
Izzi is a proud member of Stage Crew, and She Kills Monsters is the fifth show she's stage managing for. Her favorite part of theater is the community, and she wants to stage manage professionally. She loves the swords and the fight choreography, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
Lighting Designer
Asher Callaghy
Asher is a Junior and has been involved in Stage Crew and lighting since his Freshman year. He has worked on shows for both the High School and Community theaters, doing lighting design and operation, and intends to continue this throughout the rest of High School and into College.
Assistant Lighting Designer
Lee Spieldenner
Lee is a freshman who has a love for theater and who is really excited to have the opportunity to learn lights for She Kills Monsters. They recently took part in the high schools production of Mamma Mia and is excited for their future opportunities.
Noah Balan
Noah Balan is a Freshman who has not had much experience in tech, but was a part of Mamma Mia is is very excited to be a part of the CHHS theater community.
Charlotte Van Fossen
Charlotte Van Fossen holds a longtime love for the stage. She has worked sound for Broadway's finest, including ‘A Doll's House’ at the Lyceum and ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ at the Music Box.
Assistant Stage Manager
Wyatt Epprecht
Puppet master
Aidan Deans
Sound Design
Laila Kimdar
Sound Design
Joe Rader
Lighting Designer
Declan Caulfield
Stage crew
Jordan Sternberg
Stage crew
Jackson Smith

Original Creative Team