Sherlock Holmes Cast

Jonathan Hall  (Sherlock Holmes )
“Because I am a detective second and a gentleman first” - Sherlock Holmes
Gabe Scarborough (Dr. Watson)
“I have an ear for music. It’s your violin playing that makes me wish I were deaf.” - Watson
Andrew Karaskevicus (Professor Moriarty )
"Coo-coo-coo" - Moriarty
Shawn McIntyre (James Larrabee)
"Pay no mind. It's them water rats." - Larrabee
Cami Gori (Alice Faulkner )
"...*screams*..." - Alice
Amy Averona (Madge Larrabee )
"Never mind congratulating yourself just do the job" - Madge
Sean Jones (Sid Prince)
"Yes sir! Whatever you say , sir! Lovely weather we're having." - Sid
Tiffany Thomas (Mrs. Bassick)
"...if all else fails ... we’ll refuse to serve tea!" - Mrs. Bassick.