The Murder Mystery at the Murder Mystery Creative

Doug Dunahee
So….how about that drive in? I would like to start by thanking this amazing cast for putting their very best into this show. The hard work and dedication they have shown is truly impressive. Secondly, I’d  like to give kudos to Abbigail Verbeck for being such a delight to work with. After sharing the stage with her many times, I was very lucky to have such a talented and knowledgeable counterpart. Lastly, to my Mom for doing everything in her power to love and support me to the highest extent. I hope you all enjoy tonight’s performance, thank you so much for coming.
Assistant Director
Abbigail Verbeck
Abbigail has enjoyed being an actress at the Cultural Society for many years, but this time around she needed a change. She is very excited to be Assistant Director for The Murder Mystery at the Murder Mystery. She would like to thank the cast and crew for being so easy to work with and for all of the hard work they've put in over the last several months. A sincere thank you to Douglas Dunahee for making her first time directing such an awesome and rewarding experience. Lastly, she would like to thank her wife for supporting her and being understanding through all of the long rehearsals. She hopes the audience enjoys the show and laughs as much as she has.
Stage Manager
Brittani Miller
Her work in theater is and always will be dedicated to Professor David Quinn. She has been both onstage and off for many local and college shows, most recently working crew for The Addams Family. She thanks her family, girlfriend, and the cast for dealing with her extra crabbiness and caffeine addiction over the last couple of months because she is doing this show while writing her MFA thesis to graduate in May. She hopes you enjoy the performance.
Assistant Stage Manager
Nakota Bradford
This is Nakota's second production at the Cultural Society and she’s having so much fun with this cast and crew and appreciates all the work that has been put into this show and the talented actors that have brought this show to life. She can’t wait for the audience to laugh all night at this hilarious show!
Directors Assistant
Riley Johnson
This is Riley's first time having this role. He is very excited about the show, and very happy that others get to experience it. He hopes you enjoy it just as much as everyone enjoyed making it.
Addie Warden
Addie is so grateful to have been given the opportunity to work behind the scenes as a crew member! This is her first time being apart of crew and it as been so much fun! She wants all of the cast and crew members to know that they have done absolutely amazing! She hopes everyone has a great time and enjoys the show!

Original Creative Team

“The Murder Mystery at the Murder Mystery” is written by Brian D. Taylor

Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado.