Pygmalion Cast

Mariah Hardy  (Eliza Higgins)
Mariah is a senior at Bethel Conservatory of the Arts. She has been married to the best man in the world, Daniel, for the past 5 years. When she isn’t acting, Mariah enjoys playing basketball, baking, making things beautiful, and playing with her dog Daisy.
Katrina Bowen  (Eliza Higgins)
Katrina is proud to be a part of BCA’s rendition of Pygmalion and delighted for you to experience it! Previous roles include Prospero in The Tempest (NU ‘17) and Herrick in The Crucible (BCA ‘22). Outside of school, you’ll find her walking her cat, longboarding, or marveling at clouds.
Henry Higgins  (Jonah Gilmore)
Best known for his rendition of Laurie in BCA’s production of Little Women and Giles Corey in the Crucible, Jonah is very excited to bring his spin to this classic role of Henry Higgins.
Aaron Gatica (Colonel Pickering )
Aaron is a senior acting student at Bethel Conservatory of the Arts. Aaron also played John Brooke in Little Women and Ezekiel Cheever in BCA’s production of The Crucible. He also enjoys other hobbies such as martial arts, longboarding, baking, calisthenics, and hip-hop dancing.
Sharon Yost (Mrs. Pearce)
Sharon is proud to be a part of BCA’s production of Pygmalion! Having spent 12 years as an industry professional in Orlando, FL., she is excited to mark off a theatrical bucket-list item: ‘To be in a straight play in a black box theater’... none more special to her than building 1040. (Luke 1:37)
Noomi Nielsen (Mrs. Higgins )
Noomi is a Faroese actress and prospective graduate of BCA’s Bachelor’s Degree. She began her performance journey as a singer and flutist before pursuing Acting. After playing the role of Beth in Little Women, Noomi is very excited to be on the BCA stage again in Pygmalion.
Lorna Ramsay (Mrs. Eynsford-Hill)
Lorna Ramsay from Jersey, Channel Islands, known for her recent portrayal of ‘Jo March’ in BCA’s ‘Little Women’ is excited to be joining the cast of Pygmalion this spring! When not in rehearsal or class Lorna enjoys many other creative endeavors, quality time with friends, listening to infinite amounts of jazz and making others laugh.
Shannon Fröhlich (Clara Eynsford-Hill)
Known recently for her work as Amy March in the winter Production of Little Women, Shannon is so excited to be back on the stage putting her unique spin on the role of Clara in Pygmalion. Before attending BCA, Shannon spent her adolescent years in Penang, Malaysia, where she attended Dalat International School. It was there that she fell in love with the dramatic arts.