Night Terrors 2023 Creative

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Tierra Izzo
Tierra is a deviser/performer, dramaturg, and entrepreneur. She trained as a performer at Emerson College, Boston, MA. She graduated with distinction with an MA in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London (2014/15) where she devised and created Risen by Leveluvwu (BAC Hourglass Scratch), Here We Come Together, Here We Fall Apart (Subsublime, Sprint Festival, Camden People’s Theatre), Cumulus (Prague Quadrennial Festival of Space & Design), Performance A: CAGE (Imp Fest, Hornsey Town Hall), No.1 (Rag Factory), Performance B: Bespoken Moments (More Storm Festival, Middlesex University), and When You Were Born A Storm Rolled In (Saturday Live, Bank Street Arts) and worked with Dante or Die and Look Left Look Right.
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Thomas Jancis
Thomas Jancis is a writer and performer working mostly in interactive and immersive theatre. He has performed with ‘Parabolic Theatre’, written for ‘Immercity’ and was nominated for a Total Theatre award for Innovation with the relational theatre group ‘The Butlers’ in 2012. He is a cast member of the online RPG group ‘Roll Together’ and one of the hosts of their chat show ‘Talk Together’ and the puzzle dungeon 'Talking is a Free Action'. Most recently he collaborated with Trajectory Theatre on ‘Circus in A Bottle’, a live performance presented using augmented reality telling stories of the last 250 years of British Circus. This show was performed in early 2023 as part of the VAULT Festival in London.

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