Crazy for You Creative

Steve Wallgren
Assistant Director
Ginger Wallgren
Stage Manager
Kaylyn Schonert
Kaylyn has grown so much in this program, coming from a state of mind where she thought theatre was only a place for people that wanted to be on stage and perform. She has found that when you join this program, there is always a place for you here. Whether you want to be on stage, on run crew, in a leadership role, or even running light and sound, you have a place. This program has taught her what we are truly supposed to get out of high school.
Lily Whipple
Costume Design
Jordan Davis
Jordan's past credits include Shrek, Guys and Dolls, and Mary Poppins. She's also the Costume Lead for this show. She'd like to thank mom, dad, Abigail, Charlotte, and Elizabeth.
Costume Design
Christina Davis
Sound Design
Illiana Wilson
Assistant Stage Manager
Fey Juanillo
Fey is new to theatre and has enjoyed her time here. Most of her friends are in the show and were having fun, so she decided to experience something different from high school.
Assistant Stage Manager
David Pierce

Original Creative Team