About Men on Boats

Important COVID-19 Guidelines: 

All attendees must be masked at all times regardless of vaccination status. The only exceptions include: Children 2 and under and those with a documented medical condition precluding the use of face coverings. Attendees are asked to physically distance themselves from others not in their household as much as possible. Attendees are asked to vacate the venue promptly following the end of the contest, taking care to avoid creating congestion in the exits. Whitworth University will continue to monitor changing conditions and adjust policies in conjunction with guidance from the Spokane Regional Health District and the Washington Department of Health. 

ASSUMPTION OF ANY RISK: Any public venue poses a risk for exposure and contracting of communicable diseases such as COVID-19. While precautions are being taken, Whitworth University cannot guarantee the absence of such diseases nor the viruses that cause them. Entrance into one of our venues indicates an assumption of these risks.

Whitworth University Theatre

Whitworth Theatre is a collaborative training ground for storytellers, performers and theatre-makers. We believe theatre is rooted in the investigation of the diversity of the human experience and can only be successful when it is actively anti-racist and disavows all forms of oppression. Through rigorous personalized study, students learn to amplify their voices and articulate meaningful connections between the art they create and the beliefs they hold.

We are a vibrant, collaborative learning community that welcomes all students to explore and enhance their creativity through main-stage productions, our Festival of Short Plays and more. We focus on providing individualized experiences to encourage students artistic voice, whether acting onstage or working backstage.  On a typical day, you'll find students rehearsing an acting scene, painting a set, choreographing an original student-led piece, or just enjoying being together as a theatre family.