About Madagascar Jr.

Based on the smash DreamWorks animated motion picture, Madagascar - A Musical Adventure JR. follows all of your favorite friends as they escape from their home in New York's Central Park Zoo and find themselves on an unexpected journey to the madcap world of King Julien's Madagascar.


Click HERE to download the cast list to help plan your visit.

VTC Education

DREAM VTC JR. is open to anyone who wants to register between the ages of 8 - 13. The program is for students who love musical theater and want to continue their exploration of the art form. Instructors delve deeply into the nuances of musical theater, empowering participants to augment their skill set and emerge as more adept practitioners of the genre. Once enrolled, students have the opportunity to audition for specific roles within the production. The spotlight remains on the process, even as the production culminates in full-scale performances.