All That Fall (a play for radio) by Samuel Beckett Cast & Creative Team


Mrs. Rooney (Maddy), a lady in her seventies:  Tina Ann Brock

Christy, a Carter:  Bill Rahill

Mr. Tyler, a retired bill-broker:  Brian McManus

Mr. Slocum, Clerk of the Racecourse:  Bill Rahill

Tommy, a porter:  Elliot Colahan

Mr. Barrell, a station-master:  Kevin J. McCann

Miss Fitt, a lady in her thirties:  Brittany Holdahl Donahue

A Female Voice:  Brittany Holdahl Donahue

Dolly, a small girl:  Brittany Holdahl Donahue

Mr. Rooney (Dan), husband of Mrs. Rooney, blind:  John Zak

Jerry, a small boy:  Elliot Colahan



Costume Design:  Erica Hoelscher

Lighting Design:  Shannon Zura

Scenic Design: Dirk Durossette

Sound Design:  Andrew Nelson

Technical Direction:  Tony Clemente

Stage Management:  Abby Kastenberg

Production Manager:  Bob Schmidt

Photography:  Johanna Austin /

Photoshop Magic:  Bill Brock


All That Fall image courtesy Jan Saudek @