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Thanks for attending our production of Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka - Sensory Friendly Performance! We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Schedule & Tickets

Thanks for attending our production of Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka - Sensory Friendly Performance! We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

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All tickets: $10.00

Additional Information

Refund/Exchange Policy

All sales are final.

This venue offers accessible parking

This venue is a wheelchair accessible venue

This venue offers wheelchair accessible seating

This show has haze/fog effects

This performance is designed for individuals who may have challenges to sudden shifts in light or loud sounds. What you can expect from the performance that is different from the rest: House and Stage lights will remain on low to soften lighting effects Minimal instrumentation will be used to cut volume levels down Actors will also perform without microphones The doors to the auditorium will remain open so families can come and go as they please We will perform the piece without the intermissions Patrons can feel free to stand and move between the theatre and the lobby freely Patrons should feel free to talk or make noise Patrons are welcome to bring and use any self-soothing devices that they deem necessary We will provide a quiet area with activities, and staffed by professional therapists and trained volunteers We will have a “pay-what-you-can” concessions table with snacks, available to all ALL ARE WELCOME IN A JUDGMENT-FREE ENVIRONMENT

Corning Auditorium