About Made Up: An Unscripted Play

Suggestions from the audience inspire the title, story, setting, and characters as the performers create a brand new, full-length improvised play every night, complete with costumes, props, and set. Everything is real in this show except the script!

Because every performance is a 100% totally different show, we offer a special discount for repeating audience members. The first show you come to is regular priced, the 2nd show you see is $5 cash at the door, and every show after that is free! If you come opening night, you can see 5 shows for $25. The funniest theatre at the best prices in town!

And for the first time ever, we're putting on a late night show Saturday, May 11th from 10:30pm-12:30am. We don't even know what extra crazy R-Rated improv we'll come up with!

That Theatre Company

That Theatre Company (TTC) is a professional, non-profit theatre group, based in Rochester, Minnesota. TTC primarily is focused on producing original and newer works.