About Sally Cotter and the Censored Stone

When Sally falls asleep while reading books about a certain juvenile wizard, she dreams that she is a student at Frogbull Academy of Sorcery. There she meets Headmaster Albatross Underdrawers, Gamekeeper Ruebenon Ryebread, and Professor Shiftia Shape. But danger is lurking, and it's up to Sally and her new friends Dave and Harmonica to defeat the schemes of the evil Lord Murderdeath. Will she become the hero like the one in her favorite series? And who is the mysterious Censor who keeps rewriting the story as it goes along? This loving parody will thrill fans and newcomers alike.

Fredericksburg Institute for the Performing Arts

Fredericksburg Institute for the Performing Arts is the educational partner extension to Stage Door Productions, offering Youth and Adult workshops, classes, and other program designed to increase all aspects of theatrical knowledge, both on and back-stage