The Velveteen Rabbit Cast

Ellenie Ballesteros-Torres (Nana)
Ellenie is a creative and energetic 9-year-old with a passion for drama. She has completed Improv 101 and loves exploring opportunities to develop her talents. She was last seen in "A Little Princess" with FIPA. Ellenie was born in Puerto Rico and enjoys playing Roblox, drawing and painting, and watching TV shows with her family. She also enjoys the pool during the summer and hot chocolate during fall and winter. Ellenie loves challenges and looks forward to continuing her growth as an actress.
Abby Freehling (Skin Horse)
Abby Freehling is thrilled to be in "The Velveteen Rabbit"! Previously, she was the Evil Stepmother in "Cinderella Jr." with FIPA. She has also seen on stage as a British Socialite in "A Little Princess" and "Legally Blonde Jr." with FIPA. She has also performed on stage in a few shows with her school. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Kayden Jurlando (Timothy Spirit / Tree Spirit)
Kayden Jurlando is 13 years old and in 8th grade at Walker-Grant Middle School. She has many experiences with theater from running tech, to stage managing, but this is her first time acting. In her free time she runs Cross-Country, and loves to read with her many pets by her side. She is excited to be on stage for the first time with her sister, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
Marlie Jurlando (Mother / Bunny)
Marlie is 13 and an 8th grader at Walker-Grant Middle School. She has been a part of many Stage Door and FIPA shows, but most recently seen as Sara Crewe in "A Little Princess", and Martha in "A Miracle Worker". She is thrilled to add this show to the list. She is in her school’s Performing Arts program, and in her free time is part of Color Guard for James Monroe High School.
Zariah (ZeZe) Koroma (Model Boat Spirit / Wild Rabbit)
Zeze Koroma is thrilled to be playing the Model Boat Spirit. This is Zeze’s second show with FIPA. She was last seen in "Cinderella Jr.", as an ensemble character. Zeze loves to play the alto saxophone and loves fashion. She would like to thank Amy Beach for encouraging her and helping her find her true self as an actress. Zeze would also like to thank her parents for always being by her side. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Kaylin Kuhns (Velveteen Rabbit Spirit)
Kaylin's love of theater began in Oceanside California in a production of "Annie" with The Star Theater Company. She has enjoyed finding new friends with FIPA and Stage Door in "Legally Blonde Jr." and "Cinderella Jr". When she is not at the theater, she enjoys drawing, spending time with her family and performing with her schools choir. Kaylin is very excited to be a part of "The Velveteen Rabbit" cast. She would like to thank her family for their continued support and the production team for this opportunity. #BringAPencil
Jaxson Reynolds-Correa (Andrew)
This is Jaxson’s first time on stage! He is so excited to play the role of Andrew and work with the cast and crew of "The Velveteen Rabbit". When not on stage, Jaxson loves learning and playing his electric guitar. In his free time, he enjoys Boy Scouts and spending time with his brothers and sister playing video games and swimming.
Cylie Robinson (Train Spirit / Wild Rabbit)
This is Cylie’s debut year in theatre with Fredericksburg Institute for the Performing Arts! Cylie is no stranger to the stage though, she has performed in countless musical dance performances with ballet, tap and hip hop. Cylie has always had a great passion for the arts and music which her grandfather bestowed upon her at a very young age. She is a piano player and amazing artist who enjoys painting, drawing as well as scrapbooking. After high school Cylie plans to attend a Virginia college to major in art and design. Up next for Cylie: Peter Crachit and Apprentice Ebenezer in "A Christmas Carol" with Stage Door. Productions in December.
Sasha Wenger (Uncle Brad / Nursery Fairy)
Sasha Wenger is a thirteen year-old eighth grade student at Walker-Grant Middle School. This is their second acting production, having participated in "A Miracle Worker" a month prior. In their free time, they listen to music, pet their cat, and do homework.