You Could Die Laughing! Cast

Jesse Travis (Mr. Thorn)
Gaunt, dour, doesn't say much
Emma Riddle (Mrs. Thorn)
What she says is sharp and critical
Victoria Lac (Susan Harrison)
Flight attendant
Austin Friend (Allen Rudolph)
The pilot
Quinton Slater (Corky Evans)
Zany comic who does impersonations and funny voices
Makenzie Hendren (Zowie Miller)
Savvy, modern female comic
Sophia Evans (Lucinda Tate)
Loud in many ways, does broad comedy
Arabella McNaughton (Helena Hollis)
Cynical, sarcastic but funny
Braylen Sain (Dexter Porter and Stanley)
Ventriloquist and his little dummy
Darron Kastner (Antonio Johnson)
New York street-smart comic
Matthew Schemer (Sammy Salt)
Stock character to he and his wife's routine
Allie Inman (Paulette Pepper)
Ditzy wife to Sammy
Vanessa Nyholm (Joey James)
Conceited, arrogant, and can be cruel
Madison Granito (Cora Apple)
Country comedian
Jes Tubbs (Colleen Baker)
Household expert who happens to be funny