About This Mine is Mine

This mine is mine! Or is it? The treasure of the mighty San Pedro was deeded to Mae June July at the death of a long, lost Uncle. But not before 2 villains got word of the mine and its fate. Hilarity ensues as our evil villains try everything to wrest the deed from the hands of the fair maiden; and her devoted aunt, her hero, and his faithful sidekick inadvertently foil them at every turn.

Mystery. Intrigue. Hilarity. Disgusting sap. Don't you dare miss this romping good time!

Sierra Vista Community Theatre

The Sierra Vista Community Theatre was founded in 2019 with the goal of providing a safe place for everyone in Southeastern Cochise County to enjoy and participate in the performing arts. The Sierra Vista Community Theatre promotes the arts through live performances, education, workshops, and community involvement. We are an all-volunteer, community funded, nonprofit [501(c)(3)] organization and all are welcome here. Thank you for your support!