About Figments

Rick Jacobs is a playwright with a wild imagination -- perhaps too wild! As he attempts to overcome a massive case of writer's block, the audience sees four figments of his imagination play out the opening scene of his next murder mystery. 

He -- and they -- are interrupted by the arrival of his neighbor, Loni, with whom Rick is secretly, and helplessly, in love. The source of Rick's trouble with women, his domineering mother, arrives on the scene (along with her imagined double) carrying a burial urn with Mr. Jacobs' ashes inside. 

As Rick's thoughts bounce between his frustrating love life and his play, the real people and the figments of Rick's imagination clash riotously with the fictional characters in his play. They enact their scenes tipsy when Rick has one too many, hung over like Rick the morning after, and even act out the scene as Mama would write it. If you've ever wondered what goes through a playwright's mind, this farcical comedy reveals all -- hilariously. 

Salina High School South

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