A Christmas Carol Cast

Coleton McElhannon (Ebenezer Scrooge)
Luke Smith (Jacob Marley and Mr. Bentley)
Jessica Downing (Ghost of Christmas Past)
Dillinger Hightower (Ghost of Christmas Present and Mr. Fezziwig/Newbury)
Kenny Wilson (Ghost of Christmas Future and Mr. Harrington)
Angelica Owaidat (Belle and Emma)
Hayden Flanigan (Fred and Young Scrooge)
Stephen Mangum (Bob Cratchit and Thomas)
Madison Sadler (Mrs. Cratchit and Mrs. Dilber)
Hailey Rivera (Martha and Rose)
Jackson Hightower (Mr. Granger, Dick Wilkins, and Old Joe)
Annalesa Pelky (Mrs. Fezziwig and Person #1)
Lilly Kelley (Caroline and Cook)
Noah Quinhoes (Topper)
Liam Flanigan (Peter and Younger Scrooge)
Xander Viscia (Person #2)
Tiny Tim and George (Camden Sadler)
Sadie Morgan (Fan)
Ruby Morgan (Abby)
Hunter George (Boy and Ignorance)
June Bales (Grace)