The Addams Family Young@Part® Cast

Gomez Addams (Logan Stein)
Morticia Addams (Hunter Gilman)
Wednesday Addams (Emma Taylor)
Emma has been in Drama for roughly 4 years and has enjoyed every second of it. Thanks to her wonderful cast and crew mates and director, drama has become one of her favorite things and something to look forward to.
Fester Addams (Megan March)
This is Megan's first bigger part. She could not be happier. With the Seniors leaving this year she feels like she has big shoes to fill. Going through this experiance with such an amazing cast and crew has given her peace of mind about the years to come. "It's something spectacular," she said. So sit back and enjoy the show.
Pugsley Addams (Riley Gagnon)
Riley has been forced into drama by his father and is now going into his second performance as his first big role.
Gramma Addams (McKenna Allen)
Lead Ancestor (Gabrielle Ross)
Gabrielle is a senior and has been in drama for too long. She will miss annoying Gagnon with all her jokes. She will also miss hanging out at drama club and doing as much work as possible for it.
Lurch (Robby Wilson)
Robby is making his stage debut this year as Lurch. He is very thankful for the opportunity.
Mal Beineke (Adam Nellis)
Alice Beineke (Hailey Carnright)
Lucas Beineke (Bohdan Nebush)
Ancestors (The Ensemble)