About Peter/Wendy

In this lyrical, atmospheric interpretation of Peter Pan, Jeremy Bloom strips the familiar story down to its emotional essence. Peter lures Wendy away from her nursery to the magical world of Neverland, where she joins his adventures with Tinker Bell, Tiger Lily, and the menacing Captain Hook. A low-tech, inventive adaptation. Peter/Wendy will mesmerize audiences of all ages.

Oakland Christian School

Oakland Christian School has been serving the families of Oakland County for over 50 years, providing a faith-based, college-prep educational option.  OCS is committed to equipping students to fulfill their God-given purpose.  Our Elementary offers a Spanish-Emersion option that continues into Middle School in several courses. The Secondary program offers AP, Honors and dual-enrollment options to help students maximize their potential. There is a strong music and arts program, as well as, a very competitive and diverse athletic program. We are a close family community and offer a comprehensive academic program within the framework of a biblical worldview. We seek to meet every child where they are, help them discover their God-given gifts, and develop them to engage people and culture wherever they go after graduation – at school, at work, in their community, and with their own families.