About Hamlet

Comedy. Madness. Tragedy. And Revenge. 

Plus Theatre of the Absurd. And maybe Modern Dance.

Sure. You’ve seen Hamlet. But have you? Have you really? Project Theatre is proud to present Shakespeare’s (in)famous Revenge Tragedy as interpreted by 16 brilliant actors, 1 amazing stage manager, and a stunning crew of student designers who make this seemingly familiar classic into something new and daring and strange and beautiful. Limited number of performances! Get your tickets now!

Content Warning: Hamlet deals with mature subject matter including suicide and violence. Some of the material may be upsetting or frightening for young children or other sensitive viewers. Not recommended for primary school children or younger. Please view with discretion. 


Northwest Academy

Northwest Academy is committed to inspiring students to discover their intellectual and artistic voices in a creative and supportive atmosphere fueled by curiosity and constructive challenge.