Layon Gray (Writer and Director)
Layon has spent more than two decades writing, directing and developing stage plays and films that reflect a wide array of cultural movements. A native of Louisiana, Gray moved to Los Angeles in 2000 and quickly ascended as one of the city's premiere playwrights, earning more than 60 awards and nominations. Among the honors are: 2019 Detroit Distinguished Playwright Award, 2018 Carbonell Awards (Best Director, Best Ensemble, Best Production) 2016 Broadway League Fellowship honor, 2012 NYC Inspire Award, 2012, Al Sharpton Man of Vision Award, 2012 PCTF Award (Best Director) 2010 NY AUDELCO Award (Achievement Award for Excellence); ​ 2009 NAACP Award (Best Ensemble Award); 2009 Hollywood ADA Award (Best Ensemble Award); 2008 MATCH-LIFE Artist of the Year; 2007 NAACP Award (Best Producer, Best Play); 2007 MITF Award (Best Play, Best Writer, Best Director, Best Producer); 2006 NAACP Award (BestPlay); 2005 Hollywood ADA Award (Best Play); 2004. ​ Hollywood ADA Award (Best Play, Best Writer, Best Director); and 2003 Los Angeles MADDY Award (Best Play, Best Writer, Best Director, Best Ensemble). Presently, Black Angels Over Tuskegee, a play that Layon wrote and directed about the Tuskegee Airmen, is currently touring around the world. The play has reached global audiences around the world, and has been selected for private performances for several National Football League teams including the New York Jets, the Buffalo Bills, and the Los Angeles Chargers. Before the pandemic Layon was working on a deal to perform the play for the NFL's entire 32 teams and staff. He is currently writing a new musical in the BMI Musical workshop in Manhattan. ​