About CircusNEXT: The Underforest

CircusNEXT is the annual end of your show created by NECCA's Youth Performance Troupe

CircusNEXT: 2023 The Underforest

Welcome to the Underforest; a dark and magical wood where mythological creatures creep out from ancient tales into existence. Who knows what otherworldly beings reside in the rivers, tree tops, and hidden caves? Come with us as we make the world of fantasy a reality!


NECCA’s Youth Performance Troupes nurture the budding athlete, artist, and person. The program is designed to get them experience on the stage and also to give them tools for long-term growth in both their circus life and their everyday life. Our troupers have gone on to tour with Circus Smirkus, joined professional circus training programs, and become some of the strongest, most well-rounded adults you’ll meet.

Thank you to Our Sponsors

NECCA is built on a foundation of support. We cannot do what we do without the generosity of our sponsors.  Please join us in thanking them.

We believe that the arts, youth empowerment, and mental and physical wellness are critical for our community, and we are deeply grateful to these businesses who strengthen our circles of support by being NECCA sponsors.