About King Lear

Revenge, rage, grief, and delusion thunder upon the boards of Murphys Creek Theatre as Don Bilotti takes the stage as one of theatre’s great tragic heroes, KING LEAR. Robbie Allen directs Shakespeare’s classic drama about a King ready to turn his realm over to his three daughters. His plan is simple: Give the grandest slice of his kingdom to the daughter who loves him most. But honeyed words and hubris blind Lear to the true motives of those around him, plunging king and kingdom into a hell of betrayal, madness, and unspeakable acts—with consequences that reveal the worst and best in human nature. http://www.murphyscreektheatre.org/

Murphys Creek Theatre

Established in 1994, Murphys Creek Theatre has grown from its humble beginnings as a small community theatre, into an extraordinarily impactful regional conservatory theatre, bringing amazing talent together from all over the country, including its own backyard. http://www.murphyscreektheatre.org/