About Motion Pictures

Step into the enchanting world of “Motion Pictures,” a celebration of movie classics through the captivating art of dance. Our talented academy instructors have embarked on a creative journey, weaving breathtaking movement that vividly tells the stories of beloved cinematic gems. From the underwater wonders of the Little Mermaid to the Wakandan rhythms of Black Panther, the web-slinging adventures of Spider-Man, and the joyful harmonies of Sister Act—prepare to be mesmerized as dance brings these iconic movies to life on our stage. It’s a spectacle of motion and emotion that you won’t want to miss! 🎬💃🕺

Iibada Dance Company

iibada Dance Company (IDC) is a youth African and Modern Dance performance company. Founded in 1989 by Sabra Logan, iibada focuses on providing access to dance education to all youth and communities throughout Indianapolis and surrounding areas. Our mission is to provide cultural enrichment, discipline, arts education, and opportunities to build and empower youth, young adults, and communities through the art of dance. Our vision is to ignite the performing arts industry in and around Indianapolis by investing in our young performers of the future, cultivating a culture of support, and providing opportunities that foster sustainable careers in the arts within this city and beyond.