A Steady Rain Cast
Ryan Brock (Denny)
Ryan Brock feels very fortunate to be onstage with Honest Pint, again. Previous credits with them include A Steady Rain (2013) and The Sum of Us, as well as stage managing Annapurna. Thank you for coming out and supporting local theatre!
David Henderson (Joey)
He is thrilled to revisit this production ten years later with his dear friend, Ryan. Most recently appeared as Richard in RICHARD III, Thurston in GREATER TUNA, Leontes in A WINTER’S TALE and Salter in A NUMBER. Favorite roles include Charlotte in I AM MY OWN WIFE, Tracy in THE LEGEND OF GEORGIA MCBRIDE, Lombardi in LOMBARDI, Hamlet in HAMLET, Sweeney in SWEENEY TODD, Chuck in THE ABSOLUTE BRIGHTNESS OF LEONARD PELKEY, Ulysses in ANNAPURNA, Joey in A STEADY RAIN, Fr. Laurence in ROMEO AND JULIET, Iago in OTHELLO, Bottom in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM, John Adams in 1776, Bobby in COMPANY, and Henry in HENRY V. For the past 29 years, he has had the honor of playing Jacob Marley in TIP’s annual production of A Christmas Carol. Thanks to all of you that support the arts! Drink Deep!