About Macbeth

Set in Scotland, the king, Duncan, is murdered by his nephew Macbeth. Macbeth becomes a tyrant to hold on to power, eliminating those who oppose him. This classic tale of political intrigue and horror will be directed by Robyn Hilt, Assistant Theatre Director.

Garden City High School Drama

GCHS Theatre encourages students to imagine, create, act, and discover their potential as artists.  Participation in theatre requires discipline, pride, and respect for others and provides students with many opportunities for growth as performers, technicians, and lifelong learners. If you are a previous sponsor, thank you for your sponsorship and for your continued support of GCHS Drama. If you are a new sponsor, welcome and thank you for sponsoring our students. 

GCHS Drama has won state and national recognition for our theatre program. We have been nominated for over 70 Jester Awards through Music Theatre of Wichita, and have won 27 Jester Awards. GCHS Drama has performed at both the state and national levels with our productions of Hamlet and Miss You Like Hell. Our Thespian Troupe 2846 has been gold troupe for the past seven years. Last year we were nominated for sixteen Jester Awards and were awarded two for Ensemble and Production number, plus 3 additional regional Jester Award nominations for our production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Nine students attended the International Thespian Festival to perform in the Thespy Awards (the most Thespy entries in GCHS History). One student received a superior, 7 received excellent, and 1 good ranking at ITF. GCHS Drama placed 2nd in chapter select (one-act) and in 2nd in lobby display at the Kansas Thespian Festival in January 2022.