Alexis Robertson (Janie Foster)
Alexis Grace Robertson, age 11 Alexis trains at FADCA in Stuart, FL. Alexis has 8 years of gymnastics and dance background. Alexis has been participating in circus arts for 4.5 years and loves it. She is so happy to be a part of the advanced troupe this year and looks forward to further advancing in aerial acrobatics. Alexis has a great passion for circus arts and gymnastics.
Molly Rainis (Jae Foster)
Molly is 15 years old and is a sophomore at John Carroll High School. She has been doing cirque for 8 years and has loved every minute of it! In addition, she loves dancing, choreographing, and acting.
Kinsey Kidd (Rocky; Aerial Silk, Lyra, Aerial Net)
Kinsey has enjoyed aerial for three years. She enjoys the challenge and strength it takes to participate in aerial. Along with aerial, Kinsey loves to shop, hang out with her family and is a talented artist.
Kendall Kidd (Asteroid & Mermaid: Aerial Silk)
Kendall has joined her sister Kinsey this year in aerial. This will be her first performance on the silks. Kendall also likes swimming and playing basketball.
Kendal Thompson (Aerial Silks, Lyra & Aerial Cube)
Kendal Thompson is in 7th grade and has been participating in the Aerial Circus sport over the past 3 years and truly has a passion for it.
Olivia Oster (Admiral Bingham; Silk, Lyra, Net & more!)
Olivia Oster, 12 years old, 6th grade, Advanced Troupe: Silk is my favorite activity and some of my favorite apparatuses are cube, silk, German wheel, net and stilts. I have a sister, Ella who also does silk with me and we love to practice together. We have a loving, supportive family and 2 dogs: Walle & Rosie and in my free time I like to play outside and facetime my cousin, Mia.
Ella Oster (Lorraine; Aerial Silk, Lyra, Net, Wheel)
Ella Oster, 14 years old, 8th grade, Advanced Troupe: I really love to do silks, German wheel, and sphere. I have 2 dogs and a sister, Olivia who is also in advanced troupe. In my free time I like to read (favorite books: The darkest Minds and Six of Crows) and watch TV.
Madison Heath (Val Harper)
Madison is a 7th grader at Murray Middle School. She enjoys Chorus and drama and being in Advanced Troupe. She loves how learning Aerial Silks and Aerial Metal Apparatus allows her to be creative and strong.
Sayler Campbell (Meteorite)
Sayler is a devoted aerialist. She has been studying aerial silks with FADCA for almost 3 years. She is a 9 year old, homeschooled, outdoor enthusiast. Sayler loves animals, aerial silks, reading, synchronized swimming, climbing trees, and creating things. She wants to be a strong, beautiful, acrobatic performer.
Erin Gimbal (Betty; Aerial Silk, Lyra & Wheel)
Erin Gimbal is in 8th grade and has been doing circus arts for close to 4 years. In January, Erin represented FADCA at Aerialympics Nationals and placed 2nd in her category. Some of her favorite hobbies are silks, lacrosse, painting, and surfing.
Daphne Rogers (The Great Rambini)
Daphne Rogers, age 13. Born in New York City. At the young age of 6, Daphne was discovered a love of Aerial Silks at summer camp. This is her seventh year performing with Maria-Elana.
Parker Hersey (Gertie; Aerial Silk & Fabric Lyra)
Parker has been in aerial for the past four years. She has always enjoyed having fun and learning new things. She is looking forward to growing as a performer (and getting her first drop!)