Into the Woods Creative Team

Creative Member Image
Jesse Stryker
Jesse is the Director & Club Advisor for the East Lycoming School District.
Music Director
Brian Barckley
Brian is the Music Director & Chorus Instructor for the East Lycoming School District.
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Assistant Director
Veroniqua Rodriguez
Assistant Music Director
Brian Scott
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Stage Manager/Set Designer
Emily Lewis
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Assistant Stage Manager
Sophie Yoder
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Technical Design Crew
Rylan Cline
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Stage Crew
Leighann Guillaume
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Technical Design Crew
Kaleb Neiswender
Creative Member Image
Stage Crew
Garin Secules
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Stage Crew
Catherine Sones

About the Creative Team

The Creative Team consists on the Director(s), Stage Manager, Stage Crew, Cast, & Set Designers. It truly takes a village to create such a great performance and this creative team has been working tirelessly to put together the best performance for the community.