About Remember My Name


This prize-winning drama tells of a young girl’s survival in wartime France, and the courage of those who protect her from the Nazis. Apart from her parents, her heritage, and her name, the young Jewish girl matures from a sheltered child to a determined adolescent who fights for her country and her life. She is befriended by a priest, a widow, and a teacher who is a member of the underground resistance. Inspired by historical accounts, this work by a popular author of plays for youthful audiences won first prize in the IUPUT National Playwriting Competition. (Concord Theatricals)

Run time is approximately 2 hours, including intermission.

Corban University


Corban Theatre strives to worship God by presenting stories that justly depict God, truth, the human condition, healthy and unhealthy relationships, and good and evil. The Bible does not shy away from showing reality as it is rather than how we might want it to be, and neither do we shy away from telling stories that depict struggle, sin, and controversy, but we do so with an eye toward the redemptive power of Christ to transform our lives and to heal the world.

We recognize that imagination and creativity are two characteristics we see in God from the Creation account forward. As image bearers, we all have an instinctive desire and compulsion to create, to appreciate beauty, to tell stories. We endeavor to be faithful stewards of our God-given creativity as we serve the playwrights, the play text, the directors, our fellow actors and our audience. We honor the imagination as a vehicle for communicating truth. We honor the medium of art. In beautifully unusual ways, it illuminates, enhances and broadens our understanding of God’s character and values.

For more information on Corban Theatre and Corban University, visit https://www.corban.edu/arts/theatre-arts