About Sleeping Beauty, Briar Rose

This version of Sleeping Beauty is based on the tales of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. While hunting a deer in the deep forest, a prince comes upon a young woman sitting among the ruins of an old kingdom. As the young woman tells the prince the story of the abandoned castle, we see the events as they occurred a hundred years earlier. A king and queen long to have a child and heir to the throne, and, aided by Erda, the forest fairy, their wish is granted. For the celebration of Princess Rose’s birth, the king invites a number of fairies, but not Erda. Angered, Erda places a curse on Rose that, on her 16th birthday, Rose will prick her hand on a spindle and fall dead. The other fairies soften the curse by declaring she will simply sleep for a hundred years. The king will not allow Rose to leave the castle walls in fear of her death. As Rose grows into a searching adolescent, her curiosity also grows. She meets Erda, who attempts to help her understand the wider world. On her 16th birthday, Rose pricks her hand and falls into a deep sleep. As she sleeps, she dreams, and her dreams begin to answer her life-long questions. 

Due to limited attention spans of younger children, we recommend children 2nd grade and up.  

Corban University

Corban Theatre strives to worship God by presenting stories that justly depict God, truth, the human condition, healthy and unhealthy relationships, and good and evil. The Bible does not shy away from showing reality as it is rather than how we might want it to be, and neither do we shy away from telling stories that depict struggle, sin, and controversy, but we do so with an eye toward the redemptive power of Christ to transform our lives and to heal the world. 

We recognize that imagination and creativity are two characteristics we see in God from the Creation account forward. As image bearers, we all have an instinctive desire and compulsion to create, to appreciate beauty, to tell stories. We endeavor to be faithful stewards of our God-given creativity as we serve the playwrights, the play text, the directors, our fellow actors and our audience. We honor the imagination as a vehicle for communicating truth. We honor the medium of art. In beautifully unusual ways, it illuminates, enhances and broadens our understanding of God’s character and values. 

For more information about Corban Theatre, visit our website: https://www.onthestage.tickets/corban-university.