Clue: On Stage (High School Edition) Cast

Jolie Kennedy (Wadsworth)
A traditional English butler in every sense, uptight and by the book.
Nonyi Usua (Yvette & Singing Telegram Girl)
a French maid; a tap dancer with a heart of gold. (Alive or Dead)
Zahava Botvinick (Miss Scarlett)
a dry, sardonic, D.C. socialite, interested in secrets.
Krislynn Pollard (Mrs. Peacock)
the wealthy wife of a senator. A bit batty, neurotic, and quick to hysteria.
Margaret Armijo (Mrs. White)
a pale, morbid, and tragic woman. She may or may not be the murderer of her five husbands.
Gene Berry (Colonel Mustard)
a puffy, pompous, dense, blowhard of a military man.
Sebastian Berrios-Ramirez (Professor Plum)
an arrogant academic, easily impressed with himself.
Rieley Cornish (Mr. Green)
a timid yet officious rule follower. He's awfully anxious.
Kali Morris (The Cook)
a gruff woman with a threatening presence. (Alive or dead.)
Maxten Golembeski (Mr. Boddy, Motorist, Chief of Police)
a slick, Frank Sinatra, type fella (Alive or Dead)/a professional driver/a cop who saves the day.
Leo Preston (Back Up Cop)
backup for the Chief of Police/ chandelier wrangler/key crew
Carter Rankin (Unexpected Cop)
a regular Joe, (Alive and Dead)