About La Musica Deuxième

Written by revolutionary, communist, and feminist Marguerite Duras, La Musica Deuxième tells the story of lovers who unexpectedly reunite after separation. Their charged dialogue reveals the passions, betrayals and savagery of their previous relationship.

Twenty years after La Musica, Duras wrote “Act 2”. Duras says: "For almost all that time I have wanted this second Act. For twenty years I have been hearing choked voices, ravaged by the weariness of the sleepless night. May He and She persevere for ever in this youth of first love." 

About Blessed Unrest

Blessed Unrest is a subversive physical theater ensemble that transforms new and classic plays into channels for unexpected alchemy, energetic discomfort, and complex articulation. Through a dedicated and diverse ensemble, international collaborations, and a rigorous training and devising process, we are fueled by the innate human desire to collaborate, the thrill of the impossible challenge, and the instinctual need to rebel. We teach our methods of physical theatre and devising to university students across the country and internationally through workshops and residencies.