About Pageant


Book and Lyrics by Bill Russell and Frank Kelly
Music by Albert Evans
Conceived by Robert Longbottom

Like no beauty pageant you've seen before! Six contestants vying for the title of "Miss Glamouresse"! With judges selected from the audience, who will win is anyone's guess!

Pageant is a pageant. Judges selected from the audience actually vote and determine the winner who, therefore, may be different at each performance. The show takes its shots not by mocking the pageant from the outside, but by being one. The six contestants compete for the title of Miss Glamouresse (Glamouresse being a cosmetics company). Miss Deep South, Miss West Coast, Miss Great Plains, Miss Bible Belt, Miss Industrial Northeast, and Miss Texas and compete in evening gowns, talent, swim-wear and spokemodeling, plus the finalists answer actual calls from the Glamouresse Beauty Crisis Hotline.

Pageant was first presented by Jonathan Scharer in association with Chip Quigley at the Blue Angel in New York City on May 2, 1991. It was conceived, directed, and choreographed by Robert Longbottom.


“Screamingly funny!” - New York Times

“Hilarious! Incredible! 90 minutes of the kind of laughter that makes tears run down your face.” - Gannett Newspapers

“So funny I thought I was going to die.” - Susan Powell, former Miss America

Birmingham Festival Theatre