About Monthly Clowning Workshops

Do you want to "up" your acting?! Did you know that studying CLOWN can elevate your level of finding emotional range or responses? It's Physical!
It's Improv! and it's FUN! ArtStream's clowning experts Annetta Dexter Sawyer and Patty Krauss are here to teach all the clowning secrets... Be prepared to walk away with a unique character and what's known in the industry as a "BIT!"

No prior clowning or acting experience is necessary for this class. Clowning Workshops are once a month on Sundays from 3pm to 5pm at Thomas Farm Community Center in Rockville, MD. These are one-time workshops, meaning you can sign up for one, or try out them all! 


ArtStream’s talented Teaching Artists lead a variety of workshops and classes for groups, schools, and private organizations. Classes are designed for people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs), including autism. Learning through the arts is empowering. Classes/programs build upon entertaining and demanding games that encourage participants to be creative, to pay attention to others, to listen, to respond, and to engage with others. Classes/programs foster social connections as participants practice communication skills like eye contact, listening, and self-awareness. In the process, participants build their confidence, discover their creativity and strengths, and expand their capabilities and self-awareness.