About Yearbook
Written to counteract the constant barrage of negative stories about youth saturating the media today, Yearbook is a positive play about the humor, determination and caring that exists in every school. Susan and Beth enlist the help of Jack and Eric to move the boxes of hot-off-the-press yearbooks that just arrived. Between loads, they stop to flip through the yearbook pages, reminiscing through flashback scenes about the year’s highlights. They share the story of Debbie, who thinks she was only asked to the dance because she touched her ”Lucky Locker.” Susan tells how Cathy, the new student at school, conquered her fear of walking down ”Jock Block,” despite the hilarious nightmare she had about it. Tim agonizes over taking the winning shot as the state ”Basketball Champ.” Sadly, they also realize their vulnerability as they see the memorial page for Leslie, who tragically died in a car accident at the beginning of the school year. Each vignette comes to life with the help of an ensemble of students that remain on stage through the entire play.
Alta Loma Middle School Drama Club
Alta Loma Drama Club is an inclusive group of theater artists—creative people who act, sing, dance, build, draw, digitize, and bring to life dramatic productions for your enjoyment. We are so glad you are here.