About Dream: 2023 Teen Summer Musical

 A spirited story about teens who are obsessed with making their most vivid imaginations come true while being stunted by the paralyzing commentary of a society that can’t see past the day to day reality.  It’s a  highly choreographed battle between dreams rising vs dreams deferred.  

Written and directed by Isiah Anderson, Jr., this Broadway meets 90’s sitcom styled production is a  challenge to conventional thinking that is elevated by the music of Cedric Paul Thomas and given wings by emerging choreographer Myke Hodges.  


Acts On Stage

Acts On Stage is a Black owned and operated community theater (launched in July 2020) committed to centering the voices, talents, and initiatives of People of Color and Creatives of Faith. We believe creativity creates change and see #ArtsAsActivism! www.ActsOnStage.com