About Representation and How To Get It

Representation and How To Get It  by Joyce Van Dyke is a solo show that centers on the extraordinary Julia Ward Howe, author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, who was famous as a poet, human rights campaigner and a passionate activist on behalf of women's rights and votes for women. 

After two years of performances at historic venues and theaters including Revolutionary Spaces (Old South Meeting House, Boston), United First Parish Church (The Church of the Presidents) in Quincy, MA, United Solo Festival in NYC, Edith Wharton’s home The Mount in Lenox, MA and the First Religious Society in Newburyport, MA, we are interested in reaching more communities in 2024, this presidential election year.  

This is not a documentary play about a historic figure – it brings Julia Ward Howe and her visionary politics into our time.  The play asks many questions of our contemporary audience. Do women's lives matter?  Do women have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?  Do we all have the right to a government that provides for our "safety and happiness" as the Declaration of Independence says?  Julia Ward Howe has questions about representation and our democracy that resonate profoundly on a daily basis in 2024 and particularly as we enter into this election year.  

In 1870, Howe worked to establish Mother’s Peace Day – now known as Mother’s Day, and dedicated the celebration to the eradication of war, and organized festivities in Boston for years. Audiences will have the opportunity to celebrate with Elaine Vaan Hogue’s masterful performance of Julia Ward Howe May10th and 11th at 7pm, and a 2pm matinee on Saturday at the Worcester Historical Museum.

4th Wall Stage Company

The mission of 4th Wall Stage Company is to present live stage theatrical productions which are of enduring interest and which inspire, challenge, and entertain both our artists and our audiences. It is our goal to attract audiences by providing roles to our actors which are compelling and rewarding and help them to realize their full potential as artists as they explore ideas and emotions which speak to our common humanity.

We are a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization and our goals include outreach to other artists, cultural organizations, and educational institutions throughout Massachusetts while concentrating around our home base in Central Massachusetts.

Currently, our performances are mainly being staged at the Worcester Historical Museum in Worcester, MA, less than an hour from the center of Boston, Hartford or Providence. We also perform at other venues around Worcester County.  Check our website for the location of our next show.