Welcome to Schoolhouse arts center

In 1988 Hank and Nancy Beebe had a dream and an ambition to start a non-profit theatre to showcase local talent and provide the Greater Sebago Lakes Region with quality entertainment. So, after purchasing the Old Standish High School, the building was transformed over the next 33 years to become a staple of the Lakes Region Community. The mission of the theatre has never changed: educate first and the production will organically follow. And since 1988, we have done our best to live up to that ideal. 

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Jul 12 - Jul 28, 2024

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Disney's Frozen Jr.

Aug 16 - Aug 18, 2024

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Carrie The Musical

Oct 11 - Oct 20, 2024

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Disney's Finding Nemo Kids

Nov 08 - Nov 10, 2024

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Waiting for Godot

Nov 14 - Nov 17, 2024