Come and experience the wonders of the Medway High School Theatre Program!

The Medway High School Theatre Program has been a staple of Medway's community, putting on spectacular shows for multiple years. Each year, a Fall play and Spring musical are put together with the help of Ms. Tetreault, the director, the incredible cast and crew of Medway High School students, and a few other special guests. Typically, the Fall play is held in November and the Spring musical is held in March.

In addition to participating in the Medway High School theatre program, Medway has its own International Thespian Society (ITS) chapter. The International Thespian Society recognizes the achievements and encourages the work of students in theatre, in both performance and production. To get inducted into ITS, you need a minimum of 12 points. Points are gained through performing with our cast or helping with our crew. Officers for our chapter are elected in the Spring and help lead ITS. The current officers are Natalie Goodale (president), Andrew Morris (vice president), Caitlin MacNeil (secretary), Kevin Maley (treasurer), and Madison Grimes (scribe). Officers and members of ITS are a critical part of the theatre program at Medway, helping to fundraise and raise awareness when shows are occurring within the community of Medway.

In past years, the theatre program has done The Little Mermaid, Footloose, The Canterbury Tales, and Peter Pan and it is our hope to continue growing and expanding our theatre program to the school community and the town of Medway to help bring joy to those that love theatre as much as we do!

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